Home-Learning Support

Coming soon!

Is your child home-educated? As well as offering day-time tuition, we are also introducing pre-recorded lessons to support your child with learning at home and to help them take learning at their own pace.

Learning packs will include:

  • A 10-15 minute pre-recorded lesson, delivered by a qualified primary teacher

  • An independent task for children to complete based on what has been taught in the video.

  • A task guidance sheet and mark-sheet

Learning packs will cover topics such as rounding, equivalent fractions, percentages of amounts, fronted adverbials and subordinate clauses.


1 x Maths or English Learning Pack - £5

Learning Pack Bundles:

5 learning packs - £20

10 learning packs - £35

Get in touch to pre-order learning packs for your child.

If you’d like more information about home learning packs, fill in the below form and I’ll get back to you!