Safeguarding Policy

Safeguarding Policy

Updated 09/11/2024

Sarah Bridge

To be reviewed 09/11/2025

Purpose and Scope of this Policy

Sarah Bridge Tutoring is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all students who use our services. This safeguarding policy outlines our commitment to ensuring a safe environment for children and young people who engage in our tuition services. We are dedicated to protecting children from harm, abuse, neglect, and exploitation and to promoting a safe, inclusive learning environment.

This policy applies to anyone working on behalf of Sarah Bridge Tutoring, including senior managers, paid contractors, parents and students.

We will report any safeguarding concerns to the relevant authorities should we judge that this is necessary to safeguard a child. By engaging our services, you agree to these kinds of referrals and understand that the authority may then follow up directly with you.

Policy Statement

We believe that all children, regardless of age, gender, disability, race, religion, or belief, have a right to equal protection from harm. We aim to create a safe and supportive environment for learning, where students feel valued and protected. This policy is based on UK safeguarding guidance.

Roles and Responsibilities

• Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL): The DSL is responsible for managing all safeguarding concerns, overseeing policy adherence, and acting as the first point of contact for all safeguarding issues. Contact details for the DSL will be provided to all staff, students, and parents/guardians.

• Tutors and Staff: All tutors and staff are responsible for adhering to the safeguarding policy and reporting any concerns. They will be advised to complete regular safeguarding training, understand our policies, and operate in compliance with local and national safeguarding guidance.

Safer Recruitment and Vetting

To ensure the safety of our students, we will implement robust recruitment processes, including:

• Requiring an enhanced DBS check for all tutors and staff working with students.

• Conducting thorough reference checks.


We will seek to keep children and young people safe by:


• Making sure that children, young people and their families know where to go for help if they have a concern

• Providing guidance and assistance to all our tutors involved 1:1 and small group tuition with children on safeguarding best practice

• Ensuring that any concerns or disclosures are escalated to the appropriate authorities

• Valuing, listening to and respecting children

• Recruiting and selecting employees safely, ensuring all necessary checks are made

• Having a reporting system in place for our tutors to raise any concerns

• Providing this document to parents

Lesson protocol

• Both the student and tutor must always have their camera for at least the first few minutes of an online lesson

• Students are expected to maintain classroom level behaviour during tutoring sessions

• We recommend that children are located in a shared space (not their bedroom) during sessions and are supervised by parents / parents are within earshot of their child

• For students under 18, it is expected that an adult will remain in the house with them for the duration of their lesson

• Students must be fully clothed during online and face to face sessions

• Any behavioural or safeguarding concerns will be discussed with parents and passed to the DSL lead by the tutor

• If any serious safeguarding or behaviour issues take place, tutors should terminate the

lesson immediately and report to Sarah Bridge


• Tutors must maintain a professional relationship with students at all times and should not engage in any personal interactions outside of tutoring sessions.

• Tutors and students should communicate only through their designated tutor email, Whatsapp group set up by Sarah Bridge or Tutorbird. Personal contact information, including social media accounts, should not be exchanged.

• Tutors must not directly contact students who are under 18, without copying

parents into emails/messages.

• Preventing the sharing with attending children of any private details beyond the first name of any Sarah Bridge Tutoring employee or associate

Photographs and recordings

• Lessons must NOT be recorded, unless permission has been given by the parent.

• If a parent requests that lessons are recorded, this information should be shared with Sarah.

• • Photographs/screenshots must not be taken unless permission has been given

by the parent. Sarah will share this information with you in the introduction email.

Working with Parents and External Agencies

Sarah Bridge Tutoring recognises the importance of collaboration in safeguarding. We are committed to working with parents, guardians, and relevant authorities to protect our students’ welfare.

• Parental Communication: We will keep parents informed of their child’s participation in tutoring sessions, any issues that may arise, and any safeguarding concerns as appropriate.

• External Agencies: If required, we will work with local authorities, social services, or law enforcement to address serious safeguarding concerns.

Policy Review

This policy will be reviewed annually or in response to legislative changes, safeguarding incidents, or feedback. The DSL is responsible for overseeing and implementing any updates.

Contact details

Nominated child protection lead Name: Sarah Bridge


NSPCC Helpline: 0808 800 5000